Instructions for Authors

General Information for Papers, Scientific Notes and Abstracts with a doi or other link to the full manuscript.

  • Papers
  • Scientific Notes
  • Abstracts of refereed papers with a doi
  • Abstracts of papers with a link to the full manuscript

General Information for All Papers and Scientific Notes

Please use the following conventions when preparing your paper, scientific note, abstract of a refereed paper with a doi[1], or abstract of a paper with a link to the full manuscript1:

  1. Use a filename that corresponds to your paper number (Section-paper #) plus your last name. (e.g. V-35 Lamberts [this is for paper #35 in the Vegetable section)
  2. Submit manuscripts in Word.
  3. Use Times New Roman 12 pt, with double or 1.5 spacing between lines
  4. Do not use line numbering, multiple columns or page numbers. Do not change the margins to make your paper fit on one page, the publisher will take care of this.
  5. Please consult:  FSHS Papers for papers -contains instructions plus a sample published paper. Do NOT follow the formatting of the published paper
  6. FSHS Scientific Notes - contains instructions for Scientific Notes, p.2 has a sample scientific note
  7.  Abstracts with a doi for published refereed papers with a doi link
  8. Abstracts with a link for published papers (not necessarily refereed) with a link
  9. Place all tables and figures at the very end of the document or in one or more separate files with the same filename as your paper (V-35 Lamberts Tables; V-35 Lamberts Fig 1; V-35 Lamberts Fig 2, etc.). Make sure words, numbers, etc. in figures are large enough to read easily.
  10. Consult the FSHS Literature Cited Chart for detailed examples showing the correct formatting. This is a complete revision and saves the Editor hours of redoing your references.
  11. Before submitting your manuscript, please check to make sure that (a) all references cited in the paper have a complete citation in the Literature Cited and (b) all references listed in the Literature Cited are actually cited in the paper.
  12. Email your completed paper to the Editor ([email protected]) and copy the sectional vice president for your section.

[1] Please put the following at as footnote: “The link to the full paper can be found at (doi or link).”