Instructions for Authors
General Information for Papers, Scientific Notes and Abstracts with a doi or other link to the full manuscript.
- Papers
- Scientific Notes
- Abstracts of refereed papers with a doi
- Abstracts of papers with a link to the full manuscript
General Information for All Papers and Scientific Notes
Please use the following conventions when preparing your paper, scientific note, abstract of a refereed paper with a doi[1], or abstract of a paper with a link to the full manuscript1:
- Use a filename that corresponds to your paper number (Section-paper #) plus your last name. (e.g. V-35 Lamberts [this is for paper #35 in the Vegetable section)
- Submit manuscripts in Word.
- Use Times New Roman 12 pt, with double or 1.5 spacing between lines
- Do not use line numbering, multiple columns or page numbers. Do not change the margins to make your paper fit on one page, the publisher will take care of this.
- Please consult: FSHS Papers for papers -contains instructions plus a sample published paper. Do NOT follow the formatting of the published paper
- FSHS Scientific Notes - contains instructions for Scientific Notes, p.2 has a sample scientific note
- Abstracts with a doi for published refereed papers with a doi link
- Abstracts with a link for published papers (not necessarily refereed) with a link
- Place all tables and figures at the very end of the document or in one or more separate files with the same filename as your paper (V-35 Lamberts Tables; V-35 Lamberts Fig 1; V-35 Lamberts Fig 2, etc.). Make sure words, numbers, etc. in figures are large enough to read easily.
- Consult the FSHS Literature Cited Chart for detailed examples showing the correct formatting. This is a complete revision and saves the Editor hours of redoing your references.
- Before submitting your manuscript, please check to make sure that (a) all references cited in the paper have a complete citation in the Literature Cited and (b) all references listed in the Literature Cited are actually cited in the paper.
- Email your completed paper to the Editor ([email protected]) and copy the sectional vice president for your section.
[1] Please put the following at as footnote: “The link to the full paper can be found at (doi or link).”