Instruction for FSHS Abstracts 

Please use a filename that includes:

  • The section (ANR, C, HP, K/KM, OGL, AGR, V or P[1]
  • Your last name
  • 3-4 identifying words from your title
  • Example: K- Crane avocado disorder (abstract)

This makes the job of the Program Coordinator, Editor and Sectional Vice President much simpler. 

Two examples of abstracts are available as examples:

  1. Two or more authors at the same location
  1. Several authors at multiple locations

Students: If you are interested in being part of the student oral competition, the body of your abstract should contain no more than 250 words or it will be disqualified. Both the abstract samples meet that requirement. See below for assistance in finding the number of words in your abstract (from Microsoft):

Count the number of words in a part of a document

To count the number of words in only part of your document, select the text you want to count. Then use the Tools menu and click Word Count.

[1] ANR – Agroecology & Natural Resources; C – Citrus; HP – Handling & Processing,

K or KM – Krome or Mango Summit; OGL – Ornamental, Garden & Landscape;

V – Vegetable; or P - Poster

Page charges for Proceedings:

  • $80 fee for abstract submission and first published page
  • $80 per additional published page

When your abstract has been submitted, you will receive an invoice for the abstract fee (along with payment instructions). Your paper will not be included in the meeting program until payment has been made.

For papers longer than one published page, you will be invoiced for additional page charges when the proceedings are published.